Everything is better...
Have you ever had a long day of travel combined with getting lost driving to the hotel and a slow receptionist at check-in? Well your patience may be tested.... With new parents, sleep deprivation can have a huge impact on the first weeks home with a newborn.
The first few days after your baby is born is filled with many new parenting tasks. Learning how to breastfeed, change diapers, bath, dress, burp and watch for all the signs of well-being of your new baby fill the hours. After labor and delivery most parents are on a "baby buzz"= excitement and relief that your pregnancy and birth are complete, blend into the joy of seeing the baby you have been waiting for all these months.
But after a few nights of being awake every 2-3 hours around the clock to feed and care for your newborn, it is not surprising that exhaustion can take its toll. The most important advice I give new parents is to sleep when the baby sleeps and taking turns napping. Any amount of sleep you can get during the day will help night time awakenings be less tiring.
Knowing that you are normal to hit a tired point typically at about 4 days postpartum can help. If and when this happens, acknowledge that you are tired. You are not doing anything wrong and it is not anybody's fault. It is normal. The cure is sleep!
Remember that visitors should be helping you sleep! It is tempting to stay awake and visit, chat and play hostess when friends and family are there. That is what we would typically do. Postpartum is not a typical period. It is important to delegate household tasks such as dishes and laundry to friends and family which allows you to rest and recover.
Your job the first few weeks is to take care of yourself and your baby! Extending your babies sleep periods between feedings will also help you get more sleep. A secure swaddle to replicate the confinement of the womb, white noise, movement, side lying position will being held and sucking (breast is best, but if nursing is going well then a finger or pacifier can be used) will help your newborn sleep 2 hours between feedings.
Take turns caring for your newborn. Use a swing or bouncy chair to extend sleep periods and have extra time to yourself if you don't have family or friends available.
Make sure to call your doctor, nurse, lactation support, family and friends if you need extra information to help you through this time of newborn adjustment.
The first few days after your baby is born is filled with many new parenting tasks. Learning how to breastfeed, change diapers, bath, dress, burp and watch for all the signs of well-being of your new baby fill the hours. After labor and delivery most parents are on a "baby buzz"= excitement and relief that your pregnancy and birth are complete, blend into the joy of seeing the baby you have been waiting for all these months.
But after a few nights of being awake every 2-3 hours around the clock to feed and care for your newborn, it is not surprising that exhaustion can take its toll. The most important advice I give new parents is to sleep when the baby sleeps and taking turns napping. Any amount of sleep you can get during the day will help night time awakenings be less tiring.
Knowing that you are normal to hit a tired point typically at about 4 days postpartum can help. If and when this happens, acknowledge that you are tired. You are not doing anything wrong and it is not anybody's fault. It is normal. The cure is sleep!
Remember that visitors should be helping you sleep! It is tempting to stay awake and visit, chat and play hostess when friends and family are there. That is what we would typically do. Postpartum is not a typical period. It is important to delegate household tasks such as dishes and laundry to friends and family which allows you to rest and recover.
Your job the first few weeks is to take care of yourself and your baby! Extending your babies sleep periods between feedings will also help you get more sleep. A secure swaddle to replicate the confinement of the womb, white noise, movement, side lying position will being held and sucking (breast is best, but if nursing is going well then a finger or pacifier can be used) will help your newborn sleep 2 hours between feedings.
Take turns caring for your newborn. Use a swing or bouncy chair to extend sleep periods and have extra time to yourself if you don't have family or friends available.
Make sure to call your doctor, nurse, lactation support, family and friends if you need extra information to help you through this time of newborn adjustment.