I have heard many moms say that they continued breastfeeding even when it wasn't easy or took more time then they expected because they had decided to breastfeed and they knew to work through the tough times to reach their goals.
We often set goals for ourselves. This works well in both our personal and professional lives. We may say, "I am going to exercise 3 times a week," or "I am going to learn a new language," or "I am going to advance my career by taking a business class."
There are many ways to set goals and many ways to fulfill goals and books and books on the subject. But how does goal setting come into play in regards to pregnancy, labor, birth, breastfeeding and parenting? It would seem that things like pregnancy already has a set outcome. Or you may wonder how you can affect the length of your labor or how long you are going to breastfeed your baby.
But everything you do on a daily basis can be set as a goal. Be specific in what you are asking. Visualize yourself achieving that goal. Visualize yourself working towards that goal. Be positive in what you are asking for. Don't say, "I don't want a cesarean." Say instead, "I want a vaginal, safe and healthy delivery." Surround yourself by people who will help you fulfill your goal. Especially important to have a specific plan to block negative thoughts, words, comments or the people themselves from saying things like, "That baby is hungry, you must not have enough milk to feed her." Or, "You have a low pain tolerance, you will need drugs during labor."
Don't let their comments clash with your goals. Check out the website www.davidneagle.com/ for goal setting. Trust your body, trust your instinct, stick to your goals!
Sleep well,
Kim Stolte RN
SwaddleKeeper Baby Sleep System
541 380 1389
1767 12th St. #107
Hood River, OR 97031