Wednesday, July 27, 2011

encouraging sleep

Helping your baby sleep during the night is a process that may take several weeks or months. It is important that your baby is eating frequently to gain weight and provide calories for brain growth.

- Feeding your baby more often during the day will allow him to meet his nutritional needs so that if he skips one night feeding that will be ok. The more your baby weighs will determine how long in between feedings. Your baby is getting enough to eat if your baby is peeing and pooping 8-10 times in a day, gaining weight and sleeping for 2-3 hours in between feedings. Check with your doctor if you are concerned about your baby.

- Feed your baby in a quiet, darkened room if your baby is easily distracted during the day.

- If breastfeeding, consider allowing your baby to finish the first breast offered. This will provide him or her with more of your rich hindmilk, which may also help to space out his nighttime feeds. This high fat milk can be compared to eating dessert. Especially important for baby's brain growth and development.

- Carry your baby -- with the aid of a sling or other baby carrier. This will help to keep your baby relaxed, especially during the early evening hours, encouraging an easy transition to sleep. Laying your baby down awake will create a habit of falling asleep by themselves. Always make sure your baby is in a safe sleeping area and check her frequently while she is in the sling.

- Keep the evening calm to avoid over stimulation. If a bath is relaxing for your little one, you can bathe him before bed. If it's too stimulating, bathe him at another time.

- Feed your baby in a darkened room at night if he or she wakes up hungry. Let him know that night is for sleeping.


Rest while your baby rests. This is especially important the first two weeks after birth.

Take a walk. Sunshine and fresh air are good for both of you. Eat healthy foods. This will help with recovering from birth, producing breastmilk and giving you more energy to take care of yourself.

Take turns with your partner to take care of your baby. Ask for help -- neighbors, friends and family are available if you ask!
Sleep well!

Kim Stolte RN

SwaddleKeeper Baby Sleep System

1767 12th St. #107
Hood River, OR 97031