The Baby Blues:
Emotions run cold or hot, up or down, calm and crazy the first few weeks after you have had a baby. These emotions are stronger then usual due to lack of sleep, stress, visitors, healing from birth, taking care of your baby, pain after a cesarean or stitches or breastfeeding and many other situations. You are normal to feel these emotions, but talk to your partner and family about what you are feeling. Sleep will help the most, but eating well and allowing others take care of household and baby tasks make a huge difference.
Usually the blues appear suddenly on the third or 4th day after birth. 50-75% of new mothers experience this feeling of letdown after the emotionally charged experience of birth. Symptoms may include crying, impatience, irritability, restlessness, and anxiety. Postpartum Depression:
Although 1 in 10 new mothers experience various degrees of postpartum depression, it still remains unknown how severe or when it may occur, even up to a year after birth. symptoms may include: nervousness, anxiety, panic, sluggishness, fatigue, exhaustion, sadness, depression, hopelessness, change in appetite and sleep, poor concentrations, confusion, memory loss, overconcern for the baby, uncontrollable crying, irritability, lack of interest in the baby, guilt, inadequacy, worthlessness, fear of harming the baby and/or yourself, exaggerated highs and/ or lows, lack of interest in sex.
You may have good days & bad days & you are not “going crazy”. Treatment varies, but all are temporary & treatable with support & skilled professional help. CALL your midwife or doctor if you are concerned about yourself or your partner.
From the book included with the "Sleep in a Box"
SwaddleKeeper Baby Sleep System
541 380 1389
1767 12th St. #107
Hood River, OR 97031