Monday, November 22, 2010

organics still strong for retailers to sell

It’s also critical for retailers to understand the performance of organics. According to Euromonitor, the organic category was probably the category that “most tipped to careen off the edge of the cliff during the recession. However, while the organic market posted the lowest growth of the firm’s health and wellness products, it showed remarkable growth over the five years prior (2003-2008) on its ledger — up a solid 79 percent in sales.
The recession hit the organic category hard, but Euromonitor predicts that “this does not change the fact that organic remains a key category in many markets.” Globally, Switzerland, Austria, the Netherlands and Denmark are solid markets, and the U.S. market continues to indicate a hankering for at least naturally derived — if not fully organic — products.
Hudson points to varying purchase drivers for consumers of organic products, including an interest in living “green,” reducing carbon footprints, healthier ingredients, actual (or perceived) improvements in flavor and overall taste and the baby market. to read the complete story click BABY CARE -- ANYTHING FOR BABY
by Jill Rivkin

SwaddleKeeper Baby Sleep System
1767 12th St. #107
Hood River, OR 97031

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Breastfeeding Island

To help make breastfeeding your baby a relaxed wonderful experience that it is supposed to be, I suggest setting up for success by making a "breastfeeding island".

Once you sit down to feed your baby, you should have everything you will need for the next hour+ within reach. An easy way to do this is make up a easy to carry basket that has supplies that you can use while sitting down. The obvious is diaper and wipes, burp cloth, and other baby stuff.... But more importantly is the items YOU will need to hang out and relax while your baby feeds. Items such as: phone, paper, pen, tissue, thank you notes to write, snacks, water, ear plugs, relaxation mask, blanket and pillow.

The more comfortable you are just "sitting" there, the longer you will feed your baby. I know for me, it was hard not to watch the clock, but if I had things close at hand I was more apt to hang out and provide my baby with the glorious nutrition and time that he required and thrived on!

Dozing off while breastfeeding is a great way to nap but please make sure your baby is safe. Have your baby well supported with a breastfeeding pillow and other firm pillows so that she/he won't slide down into cracks if your arm relaxes when asleep. More information on the video that included in the SwaddleKeeper Sleep in a Box baby sleep system

congratulations on your baby, Kim Stolte founder of the SwaddleKeeper company and mother of 3, nurse to many.....

SwaddleKeeper Baby Sleep System
1767 12th St. #107
Hood River, OR 97031