Saturday, October 27, 2012

New products and extended company

There have been many changes in the last year around "SwaddleKeeperLand...."  I have extended my company product line to include made for hospital products.

Introducing Mountain Neonatal!

Mountain Neonatal has products that are specifically designed for use while in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit as well as Labor, Delivery and Postpartum.


  • NICU-Wings is used during medical procedures such as MRI's, surgery, PICC line placement, specialty developmental care, and holding by parents.
    Available in micro-sizing (1-3lbs) , preemie (3-7lbs) term (5-12lbs) and pediatric ( 20-30 lbs).
  • Bili-Wrap Wings is a strap made of light emitting mesh that helps the newborn sleep during jaundice treatment. Since ideally the infant has as much exposed skin as possible, traditional swaddling covers too much skin.  The Bili-Wrap Wings keeps the arms secure and prevents accidental awakening from the startle reflex.
  • Breastfeeding Pillow specially designed for use in hospital with washable cover and V-shape design which fits obese patients. Easier to use while in hospital bed or chair if in the NICU.
  • NICU Welcome Pack for parents to adjust to the unexpected admission
  • All Baby Discharge Gift with unique swaddle design and sleep kit
  • Demise blankets with head support and easy fit, sizes: Micro, Preemie and Term
  • SecureBaby Co-Sleeper is a portable crib that fits in the hospital bed next to the mother.  This provides a secure place for the baby without being supported by pillows and within arms reach of the mother.


visit our website

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Introducing Baby Gift Basket

Limited time gift basket wrapped and ready to give.  Includes a small snuggle blanket, a SwaddleKeeper in flannel cotton, newborn care videos and booklet.


Thursday, January 26, 2012

Setting Personal Goals

A couple of nights ago, I had a patient who was working hard during her labor. She said to me in between contractions, "I decided a long time ago that I would have short labor" and she did!

I have heard many moms say that they continued breastfeeding even when it wasn't easy or took more time then they expected because they had decided to breastfeed and they knew to work through the tough times to reach their goals.

We often set goals for ourselves. This works well in both our personal and professional lives. We may say, "I am going to exercise 3 times a week," or "I am going to learn a new language," or "I am going to advance my career by taking a business class."

There are many ways to set goals and many ways to fulfill goals and books and books on the subject. But how does goal setting come into play in regards to pregnancy, labor, birth, breastfeeding and parenting? It would seem that things like pregnancy already has a set outcome. Or you may wonder how you can affect the length of your labor or how long you are going to breastfeed your baby.

But everything you do on a daily basis can be set as a goal. Be specific in what you are asking. Visualize yourself achieving that goal. Visualize yourself working towards that goal. Be positive in what you are asking for. Don't say, "I don't want a cesarean." Say instead, "I want a vaginal, safe and healthy delivery." Surround yourself by people who will help you fulfill your goal. Especially important to have a specific plan to block negative thoughts, words, comments or the people themselves from saying things like, "That baby is hungry, you must not have enough milk to feed her." Or, "You have a low pain tolerance, you will need drugs during labor."

Don't let their comments clash with your goals. Check out the website for goal setting. Trust your body, trust your instinct, stick to your goals!

Sleep well,

Kim Stolte RN

SwaddleKeeper Baby Sleep System
541 380 1389
1767 12th St. #107
Hood River, OR 97031

Monday, August 29, 2011

My favorite email yet!

I found your post card at Mother's Health Store about 3 weeks ago, then I had to come back to Canada because I was planning a baby shower for my daughter. BUT when I came back she went into labor 2 week before she was due). So on Aug 11 she had the baby a beautiful calm happy baby. Who eat & slept 4-5 hours at a time. I had mentioned your Swaddle Keeper to my son & his wife but they had learned about how to swaddle a baby at pre natal classes. They seem to be doing wonderfully until last week. The baby seems to go to sleep but wakes up then he squirms around in his sleep, often will get gas then the crying starts and it very hard to get him to sleep. Nobody is sleeping, on top of that my Son broke his foot 2 days after the baby was born, so it's been difficult looking after everyone.
Now we NEED the Swaddle Keeper desperately.

Thanks for a great product, my son & his wife have already read your web site & are counting the hours until they get the Swaddle Keeper. Nothing like a crying baby to get your attention, but he is a cutie!
Thanks C.B.

Keep sending me emails! What other tips and tricks can you share with new parents?

SwaddleKeeper Baby Sleep System
541 380 1389
1767 12th St. #107
Hood River, OR 97031

My favorite email yet!

I found your post card at Mother's Health Store about 3 weeks ago, then I had to come back to Canada because I was planning a baby shower for my daughter. BUT when I came back she went into labor 2 week before she was due). So on Aug 11 she had the baby a beautiful calm happy baby. Who eat & slept 4-5 hours at a time. I had mentioned your Swaddle Keeper to my son & his wife but they had learned about how to swaddle a baby at pre natal classes. They seem to be doing wonderfully until last week. The baby seems to go to sleep but wakes up then he squirms around in his sleep, often will get gas then the crying starts and it very hard to get him to sleep. Nobody is sleeping, on top of that my Son broke his foot 2 days after the baby was born, so it's been difficult looking after everyone.
Now we NEED the Swaddle Keeper desperately.

Thanks for a great product, my son & his wife have already read your web site & are counting the hours until they get the Swaddle Keeper. Nothing like a crying baby to get your attention, but he is a cutie!
Thanks C.B.

Keep sending me emails! What other tips and tricks can you share with new parents?

SwaddleKeeper Baby Sleep System
541 380 1389
1767 12th St. #107
Hood River, OR 97031

Monday, August 22, 2011

Got Sleep?

We know you want to be the best parents caring for your newborn. With the help of the Swaddle Keeper Baby Sleep Kit, you have the tools to help make your dreams come true! More newborn sleep means more parent sleep making everything easier...

Getting an extra hour or two of sleep between feedings can make all the difference to "surviving" the sleep deprivation of the first few weeks. More tips and tricks on the newborn care video included in the Swaddle Keeper Baby Sleep Kit!

Email me if you have specific parenting or baby questions!

Kim Stolte RN

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Near Term Baby

A near-term infant is born 3 to 6 weeks early. Babies born more than three weeks early are considered preterm. These babies need closer observation and support from parents, family, nursing staff, lactation specialist and your doctor.

Some Challenges for a preterm baby: -Difficulty keeping warm -lower blood sugars -tires easily -feeding difficulties -poor weight gain -higher risk for jaundice.

Your health care professional will support your family and provide information on how to overcome these challenges.

SwaddleKeepers now come in a "preemie" size fitting newborns 4-9 pounds or "micro-preemie" fitting newborns 1-4 pounds. Our regular size SwaddleKeeper fits newborns 5-22 pounds.

Email with questions about your baby!

Kim Stolte RN
SwaddleKeeper Baby Sleep System
541 380 1389
1767 12th St. #107
Hood River, OR 97031